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The hunt for Green Puff


Windreach Woods, Fort.

Search the fort for the jugs and papers.


  • Find book of Mary Jane's
  • Collect brown jugs
  • Return to Mary Jane

Tips & Audio Notes

Okay, uh, just a reminder... those jugs and pages are hidden in the fort. And uh, try not to get caught. My father is out on some errand right now, but if he comes back, he's going to execute us both. I can't stress enough how important it is to stay under the radar. I like my head far away from my ass.


Coming soon

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Commando#3384 avatar Commando#3384

The Jugs are around the Castle/ Themis.
The Papers/ Book of Mary Jane is Right to themis on the Table

Greetings Soulcut

Edrinios avatar Edrinios

super merci