Corepunk background


What is Herbalism?

Herbalism is one of the 4 gathering professions in Corepunk.

If you pursue Herbalism profession, you’ll be collecting resources from large and dense Kwalat bushes.

Such bushes are whole ecosystems that live by their own rules, and the older and larger the bush, the more valuable resources it may contain.

Herbalism can be combined well with Alchemy to craft consumables.

Corepunk herbalism

Herbalism. It's so darn cool, man!

Nia Sundance

Mastery levels

Mastery levels are used to harvest nodes from the upper tier:

  • Newbie: Enables gathering of Tier 1 resource node.
  • Journeyman: Enables gathering of Tier 2 resource node.
  • Craftsman: Enables gathering of Tier 3 resource node.
  • Expert: unknown
  • Master: unknown


Each efficiency level grants various bonuses and perks, including:

  • 25%Increases the chance of gathering an Uncommon resource to match the current efficiency percentage
  • 40%2 gathering cycles. Failure chance reduced to 4%
  • 55%Increases the chance of gathering a Rare resource to match the current efficiency percentage. Failure chance reduced to 3%
  • 70%Improve the gathering cycle time by 2 seconds. Failure chance reduced to 2%
  • 85%3 gathering cycles. Improve the gathering cycle time by 2 seconds. Failure chance reduced to 1%
  • 100%Increases the chance of gathering an Epic resource to match the current efficiency percentage. Failure chance reduced to 0%


There are 3 types of nodes, each with 3 tiers. Each type of node allows you to harvest specific resources.

The likelihood of finding more resources increases with higher-tier nodes.

Epic resources are exclusively found within Tier 3 nodes (craftsman).

Hazelnut bushes
Hazelnut bushes
Silkworm jute bushes
Hazelnut bushes
Thick bushes
Thick bushes
Scant nutty fragrance orchardhazelnutnewbie
Rich nutty fragrance orchardhazelnutjourneyman
Overflowing nutty fragrance orchardhazelnutcraftsman
Scant weaver's grove bushsilkworm jutenewbie
Prosperous weaver's grove bushsilkworm jutejourneyman
Overflowing weaver's grove bushsilkworm jutecraftsman
Thick bushthick bushnewbie
Old bushthick bushjourneyman
Ancient bushthick bushcraftsman


Materials harvestable from herbalism:

commonsilkworm jutenewbie
commonsilkworm jutenewbie
uncommonthick bushjourneyman
uncommonthick bushjourneyman
uncommonthick bushjourneyman
uncommonthick bushjourneyman
rarethick bushjourneyman
epicthick bushcraftsman

Crafted items


Gathering professions