Corepunk background


What is Logging?

Logging is one of the 4 gathering professions in Corepunk.

Logging is about taking advantage of the trees that have the strongest and deepest root systems; those trees have roots that reach deep enough underground to access lakes of precious mana. Such trees are rare in the forests of Kwalat.

Logging can be combined well with Construction to craft artifacts and Cooking to craft campfires.

Corepunk logging

Logging ain't just about wielding an axe. You need to understand the very nature of the forest and the treasures it holds.


Mastery levels

Mastery levels are used to harvest nodes from the upper tier:

  • Newbie: 1 gathering cycle. Enables gathering of Tier 1 resource node.
  • Journeyman: 2 gathering cycles. Enables gathering of Tier 2 resource node.
  • Craftsman: 3 gathering cycle. Enables gathering of Tier 3 resource node. - 2 seconds for the gathering.
  • Expert: unknown
  • Master: unknown


Each efficiency level grants various bonuses and perks, including:

  • 25%Increases the chance of gathering an Uncommon resource to match the current efficiency percentage
  • 40%2 gathering cycles. Failure chance reduced to 4%
  • 55%Increases the chance of gathering a Rare resource to match the current efficiency percentage. Failure chance reduced to 3%
  • 70%Improve the gathering cycle time by 2 seconds. Failure chance reduced to 2%
  • 85%3 gathering cycles. Improve the gathering cycle time by 2 seconds. Failure chance reduced to 1%
  • 100%Increases the chance of gathering an Epic resource to match the current efficiency percentage. Failure chance reduced to 0%


There are 3 types of nodes, each with 3 tiers. Each type of node allows you to harvest specific resources.

The likelihood of finding more resources increases with higher-tier nodes.

Epic resources are exclusively found within Tier 3 nodes (craftsman).

Stone bark trees
Stone bark trees
Wood trees
Wood trees
Magic trees
Magic trees
Faint petrified Rootwoodstone barknewbie
Standard petrified rootwooddstone barkjourneyman
Overflowing petrified rootwoodstone barkcraftsman
Faint timberheart reservewoodnewbie
Prosperous timberheart repositorywoodjourneyman
Rich timberheart veinwoodcraftsman
Magic treemagicnewbie
Old magic treemagicjourneyman
Ancient Magic treemagiccraftsman


Materials harvestable from logging:

commonstone barknewbie
commonstone barknewbie

Crafted items


Gathering professions