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Package Pilfered


Rusty Bowen
Windreach Woods, Railway stop near Fort.

Kill fungus around the Windreach Woods.


  • Kill Fungus "Sting Spanner"
  • Kill Fungus "Sharp Hook"
  • Return to Themis.
  • Kill Fungus "Limping Bugger"

Tips & Audio Notes

Get your ass moving, those fungi aren't gonna hunt themselves. Those sneaky little jerks are somewhere in the Windreach Woods. Shouldn't be far.


Coming soon

Comments (9)

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thaitanicdk avatar thaitanicdk

I found a single level 7 Sting Spanner right here after walking around the entire area for 90 minutes.

Engineer#5926 avatar Engineer#5926

Slightly below towards the right it, there is in a open space another one walking alone - Level 9.

tlc5505 avatar tlc5505

The best method is to find around 3 camps that spawn these leafy goofy creatures and kill them on repeat, they spawn very fast and its random which ones spawn. thats how i did it, took me 10 mins before figuring it out.

deetro__ avatar deetro__

I tagged a mushroom at this location and by the time I posted the location here a different mushroom appeared. So you can potentially find them all here.,10488

Pyromancer#1787 avatar Pyromancer#1787

I couldn't find "Sting Spanner"

Corepunk avatar Corepunk

Cant find them

.slater. avatar .slater.

any luck?