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Gathering the fragmented


Mary Jane Greenpuff
Windreach Woods, Road house.

Help people at the Lakehouse, the Old Quarry, the Old Portal, and the Falling Planes in exchange for artifact pieces.


  • Talk to Driscoll-99
  • Talk to Clanker
  • Talk to Triton
  • Talk to Alexander Stones
  • Return to Mary Jane

Tips & Audio Notes

Don't forget to pick up the artifact pieces and deliver the herbs. The artifact pieces are at the Lakehouse, the Old Quarry, the Old Portal, and the Falling Planes. And remember, the herbal deliveries are for Triton, Alexander Stones, Driscoll-99, and Clanker. Seriously, don't make me do my job myself. I just took some herbal supplements and can barely walk.


Coming soon

Comments (5)

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carto89 avatar carto89

You will get the artifacts as a reward from finishing the questlines of the NPCs.

curthiany avatar curthiany

I am not sure if anyone else has this bug where you do not receive the herbal to deliver to Driscoll-99 and Alexander Stones. Not sure how to fix.