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Lawsuit of the Lake


Windreach Woods, Lake house.

Help people around the area for notes to help in his lawsuit.


  • Collect Venomtail's Note
  • Collect Seaonna's Note
  • Return to Triton
  • Collect Zorbul's Note
  • Collect Glubgrath's Note
  • Collect Dr. Glimmiwop's Note
  • Collect Ol Fin's Note

Tips & Audio Notes

Don't forget notes! Seaonna and Mariel Venomtail by Mermaid Lake. Ol' Fins on Windstone Lake Pier, Zorbul and Glimmiwop on Distant Farm, Glubgrath near Gemini Lake. Get notes for Triton's big legal drama, you get shiny artifact. Fair deal! No notes, no artifact! Triton not babysitter, find baby-haters youself.


Coming soon

Comments (7)

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Savey#1583 avatar Savey#1583

You have to speak with all of the mentioned NPCs and complete their quests that they give after you accept this quest. Seaonna and Venomtail are directly west of Triton at Mermaid Lake, Dr Glimmiwop and Zorbul are south of Berg Stonefoot. Ol Fin in near Windstone lake and Glubrath is near the small lake in Skylight grasslands (Gemini Lake).

Doxon avatar Doxon

venomtail does not appear in the list of NPCs, where is it?

crisstianv_ avatar crisstianv_

I cant find Glimmiwop, can u mark?

7empestcore avatar 7empestcore

Rewards level 10 blue weapon

Savey#1583 avatar Savey#1583

have you finished the quest? i have no clue where to get the notes from

cooks66 avatar cooks66

Quest is bug