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Fragments of the forgotten


Mary Jane Greenpuff
Windreach Woods, Road house

Find the ruins east of Goldenfield, past the Thornbuckle farm.


  • Take the paper
  • Go to the ruins to look for the artifact
  • Return to Mary Jane

Tips & Audio Notes

Hey, keep your vibes tuned in! The artifact is waiting for you in those trippy ruins. Remember, the ruins hold deep secrets, man. Keep your mind clear and your senses sharp. And then hope nobody got there and like, bogarted the relic before us.


Coming soon

Comments (6)

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KingRider avatar KingRider

Finds a ruin that was a wolf mask with a bonfire center on the side paper on the ground

Commando#4408 avatar Commando#4408

anyone know where the ruins are? just says east of goldfield.

Legionary#2101 avatar Legionary#2101

Were the ruins?

driwerito avatar driwerito

Where is the Ruins?