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How to get a key for the next Alpha test?

25 February 2025 at 13:12
In a recent comment on Discord, Artificial Core announced how to get a key for the next alpha test.

If you participated in the last alpha, you'll automatically be eligible.

If not, you should comment on this Corepunk forum post.

This process is to filter active players, as there are currently more than 500,000 registered.

Corepunkers will be trying to get some keys to give away to the community, so follow us on Twitter!

Alpha key

Source: Corepunk Discord

Comments (4)

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saigo8297 avatar saigo8297

I would like to participate in the alpha 2 :D
Thank you!

LCute avatar LCute

I really would love to participate in the alpha 2
Thank you!

Engineer#1051 avatar Engineer#1051

i would love to participate in the alpha 2
thank you so much

paqvivir avatar paqvivir

quiero jugar y probar este juego tan hermoso y poder dar mi opinión sobre el.... espero puedan sacarlo lo mejor posible y le deseo lo mejor