Q: Do you have any plans how to handle AFK players, leechers, quiters, griefers, etc. in the pvp battlegrounds?
A: We'll implement measures similar to other games to address irresponsible and dishonest behavior, ranging from warnings and penalties to bans. While these measures may not all be available at the launch of the battlegrounds, they will be introduced shortly after.
Q: Who asked for a full loot pup extraction zone?
A: The full-loot PvP extraction zone is a key addition to enhance replayability. This instanced area allows players to participate at any time, supporting both casual and hardcore playstyles.
- The session duration is from 20–30 minutes but can extend to hours for players exploring the entire island.
- The extraction concept fits seamlessly into the Corepunk world and addresses gaps in content, re-engagement, and economic balance.
- While PvP is optional, the zone provides mechanics for players to avoid PvP if they prefer a PvE-only experience. This strategic design ensures synergy between PvE and PvP.
- Full loot adds an element of risk and danger, amplifying the tension and making rewards more satisfying.
- This zone will serve as a sink for items and resources, boosting the in-game economy and stimulating the player-driven market.
- The "Prison Island" isn’t just an extraction dungeon—it’s a large raid instance featuring new bosses, monsters, atmospheric designs, and mechanics. Players can choose to avoid PvP entirely using various outplay mechanics or actively seek it, making both strategies equally valid.
Q: Are you planning to add a group finder and the ability to create raid groups that will consist of multiple squads?
A: Group-finder functionality for dungeons will be implemented alongside PvE/PvP dungeon releases. We're considering expanding it for open-world groups. Raid groups are already developed but not yet implemented, as optimization and core gameplay are prioritized before introducing more complex features.
Q: Can you tell us how many player have played corepunk in the first weeks?
A: With approximately 70,000 players, we’re encouraged by the reception, especially considering the game isn’t on Steam and uses its own launcher. Competing with market titans like WoW and Path of Exile has provided clear data for future growth. Despite initial negative feedback about gameplay, player engagement shows immense potential, and from a business perspective, the game has a very bright future.
Q: Can you provide clarification on plans or likeliness of live servers wiping? There is into that this is not planned but with test servers being planned to wipe "more frequently than live servers" leaves it ambiguous. Part of the MMO allure is the persistence so it would be great to have a clear official stance on this
A: We’ve addressed progress wipes extensively. Currently, there are no plans for a progress wipe during Early Access, but we are not strictly opposed to the idea. A wipe before the full release next year is likely, as it makes sense commercially and practically. During Early Access, the situation will dictate our approach.
Q: Do you have any plans to add different types of marker icons for the map? eg: tree, bush, ore vein, wolf, boar
A: Yes, it's coming soon.
Q: Will artifacts / weapons from dungeons, raids and pup be any different from the ones we can craft rn?
A: Tiered items are the foundation of Corepunk’s itemization. Different game modes and activities will yield varied loot while staying within the base item framework. Players can expect unique and rare modifiers, recipes, and consumables from different modes to deepen item customization.
Q: Is the partnership with Unity to use Multiplay still active? If so, why doesn't it help you?
A: Not exactly in this area. We have a different server logic and handle everything ourselves. MMO server specialists are nearly nonexistent globally, so we are learning and developing solutions from scratch, which we find exciting.
Q: Do you want to limit the number of equipped artifacts of the same name to a maximum in the future? (Maybe max of 2). (So that there is more variation in the build and not everyone ends up running around with 6x V6 hearts).
A: Yes, the game initially included a mechanic where players would lose a percentage of an artifact's power if they equipped identical items. However, we disabled this restriction to explore balancing artifacts without such limitations.
We recognize that many elements in the game are currently unbalanced, but we're actively working on gradual adjustments. For example:
Currently, many players prioritize V6 stats since other attributes seem less impactful. However, when players encounter magic damage, they start considering switching to magic resistance stats.
Similarly, mana consumption isn't yet balanced, leading players to focus on magic damage while ignoring mana-related stats. We're introducing minor adjustments to mana consumption, which will soon make mana a critical consideration for players who want to cast more frequently.
These are just two examples. Dozens of balance changes are planned for the near future, and hundreds more will follow as we prepare for the full release. Our goal is to make gameplay feel logical, rewarding, and enjoyable.
Q: Have you any idea about how the Guild system structure is? ok 50 capacity, but, whats more?
A: All suggestions regarding guilds are already part of our roadmap. In fact, the game's original concept has remained largely unchanged over the years. It includes guild-controlled territories, where taxes can be levied on those farming resources in those areas.
Guilds will manage, defend, and maintain these territories and settlements.
Guild content is integrated with farming systems, allowing players to unite their farms into settlements for collaborative defense.
This is why you’ll notice so many farming assets and products in the game—we’re huge fans of this idea. We have a vast number of concepts ready for implementation. However, everything must proceed step by step. Basic guild content is planned for the game’s release, with further development post-launch.
For now, our primary focus remains on creating a rich, engaging core gameplay experience.
Q: What is the core gameplay loop of this game that you guys envision being the end game state? Is it similar to albion with ZvZ? similar to WoW with raids? similar to OSRS with all-the-above ish?
A: We’ve discussed our gameplay loop many times before, and it remains straightforward. The world itself is an integral part of the game—not just a backdrop or a checkbox to tick off, but a core gameplay component.
It features a unique set of activities designed to motivate players to immerse themselves fully, completing quests, roaming the map, contesting bosses, farming spots, collecting rare buffs from defeating specific monsters, participating in public events, and interacting with other players in spontaneous situations—whether through PvP rivalry or PvE cooperation. This is the essence of the MMORPG genre.
Players will have access to various modes: Battlegrounds (BGs) PvE Solo/Party Dungeons PvE/PvP Dungeons Raids
These modes are deeply integrated into the lore and the game world, providing replayability, session-based gameplay, and a competitive edge.
The open world serves as the main farming area for resources and items. It will be the foundational source of progression for most players.
Crafting, talents and builds while still in their early stages, these systems are designed to become intuitive yet deeply customizable by the game’s release. Players can expect simple-to-understand mechanics with extensive options for development.
The auction house will be introduced shortly after the release of the first dungeons. It will play a crucial role in the level-cap economy for players who enjoy trade and profit-focused gameplay.
Also each gameplay mode will provide unique rewards: Rare items Consumables Recipes for the synthesis machine Exclusive skins Other valuable loot These rewards will motivate players to explore different activities and modes.
At max level, players can treat the game as session-based, playing a couple of hours a day to steadily improve their character’s power, visuals, inventory, and rankings.
For hardcore players who want to fully immerse themselves for longer periods, the game will provide all the tools and opportunities necessary for deeper engagement and significant profit.
Even in the open world, there will be global rankings for various activities. For example:
Events around contesting world bosses will feature exciting challenges and offer valuable rewards.
Blend of activities ensures a dynamic and rewarding experience for both casual and dedicated players.
Q: Will be be able to change the looks of our weapons? Simply being able to use every weapon ever equipped as a 'skin' on any other weapon would make sense and be a lot of fun! (For example: cyber gladiator sword is ugly, rusty sword is awesome. I'd like to use the Rusty look on the Gladiator sword)
A: Yes we have this feature in plans, it was in the original idea.
Q: Combat log?
A: Soon.
Q: Is it planned that you can trade T3 items at some point? T3 items could be tradeable with the respective Profession at level 5 and 100%. (When T2 can currently be traded at 100% at any Level.)
A: Yes, we plan to open trading for Tier 3 artifacts after loot and accessibility adjustments.
Q: What do you wanna do with Pup areas what's the reason they exist and what's the purpose to go there and do Pvp if they have similar loot with Yellow/Green zones?
A: The "Kings Battleground" PvP zone is undergoing a complete redesign, introducing a new biome with distinct gameplay to motivate open-world PvP. This update will release after the PvE/PvP extraction dungeon.
Q: Is it planned that when someone adds a friend ingame, they will receive a "friend request" and can accept or decline it? Currently you can add someone as a friend without the other person knowing about it.
A: We should do that, going to put it in line for development
Q: Are there plans to implement a "dressing room"-like feature, where players can see how certain cosmetic armor pieces can be updated and how these pieces would look equipped on their characters, prior to purchasing / applying updates? In that line of thoughts, are there any plans to add a system / vendor, that allows character customization in-game as well?
A: We definitely need to implement this, and we already have all the necessary mechanics ready. We just need to allocate time to configure the feature's logic and interface.
Q: It was once mentioned that Raid party, loot need/greed systems further in the plans, when we can get this system in corepunk? If so can you please get some screenshots for the community? (
A: We have to find it, we have made this feature a long time ago.
Q: Will you keep the increased soul movement speed from the test server? It's very helpful since respawn beacons can sometimes be too far. Also, could you make exiting battle mode faster? Waiting 20 seconds after killing all mobs to mount up is frustrating. Lastly, why does battle mode start when a mob just spots you? It would make more sense to trigger it when you get hit. Mobs aggro from far away, and food buffs get wasted before they even reach you.
A: Spirit speed improvements are already live, and agro mechanics are being refined. Updates will be rolled out soon.
Q: In the future, can we expect to see character specializations with a combat style similar to Destroyer and ranger, relying on skill-shots and ability-based gameplay, rather than simply targeting opponents like a Shaman? Especially since the game has a fog-of-war system and the upcoming full-loot PuP island. It would be nice to see a more skill-based combat system.
A: Upcoming heroes specialisations will cater to diverse playstyles, from straightforward to skill-intensive gameplay. Of course we aim to offer something for everyone.
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