Q: When will the aggression system be fixed?
A: Working on it atm, fix should be in build this week. Should have come out with the last update, just did not make it to patchnotes.
Q: Do you have any idea when the guild system will be implemented and how it will bedone ? • Member limit • Shared banks • Rights or rank systems • Ranking within the guild • Ranking between all guilds • Banner or logo
A: The Guild system will be implemented during spring, after the release of the first 2 PvE dungeons.
- Member limit: 50
- At start, guilds will have a shared bank, guild logo, and rights system within the guild.
- Closer to the full release of the game, we will add ranking between all guilds and the possibility to declare war._
Q: Can you disclose the order in which the new classes will be implemented?
A: 1. Defender 2. Commando 3. Grenadier
These are the first three classes.
- Subsequent ones are being changed because we weren't sure which class to release first.
- These three are in the most complete condition.
Q: Do you have any idea when it would be possible to deposit gold in the account bank ? In order to facilitate accounts with several characters.
A: Working on it atm and planning to release this feature this week.
Q: Auction House when?
A: We are collecting data on how everything works.
- AH is a core feature of the game’s economy, and we want to fix and eliminate existing leaks in balance and economy before implementing AH.
- No predictions atm, but it’s something we will do as soon as we are ready.
Q: Crafting & Gathering mastery tree when?? What do they include?
A: Crafting and Gathering passive talent trees will be released around the same time as AH.
- These branches will impact the economy and are approximately next to each other on the schedule.
- Intended for players focusing heavily on crafting and gathering.
- Perks include bonuses to professions, sustain during farming, and tools for survival and evading pursuit.
Q: When will dungeons be released?
A: We are going to start releasing dungeons in the coming weeks, starting with a PvE/PvP extraction dungeon.
- After this, instanced Kings Battleground mode.
- Next in line are 2 PvE solo/party dungeons.
- These are the dungeon plans for the next 4–5 months.
Q: The absence of quest icons above the NPCs is one of the main negative feedbacks since the beginning of the alpha, they were present in the first trailers, why did you remove them and are you thinking of reinstalling them?
A: Yes, the first builds had icons above the characters.
- During development, we saw that icons harmed immersion and decided to make the game without them.
- Based on feedback, we are now working on a system to maintain immersion while providing necessary comfort for players accustomed to such features.
Q: Can we have a known issue list?
A: We are currently focusing on several key objectives:
- Optimization: Improving client and server performance is a top priority. Substantial updates will arrive in the coming weeks.
- Bug Fixes: Intensifying bug-fixing efforts to resolve significantly more issues. Fixing all known bugs would make the game feel completely different.
- Balance Adjustments: Ongoing process with community help. Some improvements are quick, but others require technical solutions.
- New Content: Actively assembling, polishing, and releasing new content, pushing forward in parallel with other areas.
Although time and manpower are limited, all areas are critical to the game’s success. Challenges are being tackled step by step.
Q: Would it be possible to start using discord dates for #servers-maintenance #corepunk-official channels? It would remove the confusion with calculating time zone difference between servers.
A: Good point! We will start doing this.
Q: What is the current game loop idea with current situation T3 recipes only being available to a very small grp of ppl who were able to get the recipes very fast at the beginning? Having them farmable at an NPC 24/7 and creating multiple chars to have higher chances at the NPC to progress into T3 seems very off. Wouldn't it be better to have them "farmable" after upgrading/overclocking T2 to be strong enough already to start to venture into the steppes as a group of 4 players? And then with obtaining first t3 recipes being able to progress further into the steppes.
A: We will add Tier 3 recipes to vendors.
- This change allows players to focus on crafting and selecting the right gear and stats, ensuring equal opportunities to progress according to builds.
- Loot tables are under development, and improvements based on feedback will arrive soon.
- Balancing relies on observing actual player behavior, addressing trouble spots, and making necessary adjustments.
Q: Multi-Part Question. Are you (AC) happy with the current state of world bosses? They've had their T3 Artifact drop rate severely lowered and abilities buffed so now groups of T3 players cannot even kill them. If yes, happy with them : How do you expect the freshly T2 geared players following the quest line to kill the Deer? 4 Players aren't supposed to be able to kill it? Designed for 8 player raid? If no, not happy with them : Can you share working theories of what you will do to balance them?
A: We’re not entirely satisfied with how world bosses are currently functioning.
- Mechanics, animations, and effects will be refined to improve clarity of combat.
- No nerfs planned, as skilled players can already solo bosses under the right circumstances.
- Boss mechanics rely on positioning and dodging, allowing players with lower-tier gear to remain competitive through skillful play.
Overall, the game requires significant polishing, and improvements are ongoing.
Q: I don't like gathering and crafting. Can i fully gear my character with instanced dungeons or battlegrounds? Or is crafting / synth required for everyone in some way?
A: Crafting and gathering are meant to be optional, providing variety and personalization.
- Players can choose between farming and combat or crafting and gathering, depending on their preference.
- Changes to loot tables aim to balance these aspects.
- Crafting and farming items both focus on acquiring the best gear but differ in methods and enjoyment, and this distinction will be maintained moving forward.
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