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Stats vs resources: mastering Corepunk artifact crafting

To understand the logic behind the various crafts, it is important to comprehend the relation between stats and resources, especially when crafting Artifacts.

Every Artifact in Corepunk consists of one or more main stats. These seven main stats are: Health Points (HP)Attack Power (AP)Spell Power (SP)Magic Resist (MRes)Heal/Shield Power (HSP)Mana and Armor.

Depending on the rarity of the required resources for a specific craft, these materials are primarily used for different Artifacts based on the stats the item will have:

Main statsUncommonRareEpic

Health (HP)

Blue Lotus iconBlue Lotus

Forest Berry iconForest Berry

Beating Heart iconBeating Heart

Attack Power (AP)

Gonad iconGonad

Petrified Spike iconPetrified Spike

Blood Honey iconBlood Honey

Spell Power (SP)

Moonstone iconMoonstone

Neon Mushroom iconNeon Mushroom

Rainbow Snail iconRainbow Snail

Magic Resist (MRes)

Amber iconAmber

Elastic Membrane iconElastic Membrane

Dragon Shell iconDragon Shell

Health/Shield power (HSP)

Diamond iconDiamond

Isotope 238 iconIsotope 238

Granulation Tissue iconGranulation Tissue


Mana Resin iconMana Resin

Mutated Leaf iconMutated Leaf

Concentrated Mana iconConcentrated Mana


Titanium Nugget iconTitanium Nugget

Tungsten iconTungsten

Thermium Liquidium iconThermium Liquidium