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Wood You Believe It?

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Wood You Believe It?


Goldenfield, Logging spot.

Grab some Calm Aloe from the alchemy area behind the welfare kitchen. An energy drink named ‘Sildenafil’ from a little crossroads just south of here. You’ll see the yellow lights. Lastly a psycho mushroom from the yoga house.


  • Collect Psycho Mushroom
  • Collect Calm Aloe
  • Collect energy drink "Sildenafil"
  • Return to Jahri

Tips & Audio Notes

Still no progress? Jahri would be proud. Hustle up, recruit! Or should I just send Jahri a thank-you card? This stuff doesn t pick itself up, you know. It s not like Jahri s going to magically grow a backbone.


Coming soon

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teddykins avatar teddykins

Calm Aloe is on the right side of the Alchemy area, it's a pinkish purple plant.

Enery drink is a bottle laying by the pool to the south.

Psycho mushroom is found to the left of the entrance to the Yoga house which is north west of the quest giver.