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Unsavory Evidence

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Unsavory Evidence


Gusto Grubhunter
Windstone Village, Guard's place: south west.

Head south into the woods. The abandoned house is past the railroad tracks.


  • Collect Suspicious Pan
  • Bring to Quaridor Vex
  • Collect "Baby Stew Recipe"

Tips & Audio Notes

Don't fuck this up! Head to the abandoned house on the hill for the pan and that delicious... I mean TWISTED recipe for baby stew. You'll find the house just south of Windstone Village! After, remember Quaridor Vex is your final stop. He's patrolling near the Guard's place in west Windstone Village.


Coming soon

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karany avatar karany

Recipe in the house on the table on the right. Frying pan to the left of the oven on the table

Bebu avatar Bebu


ugotbutthurt avatar ugotbutthurt

Note that both tables are clickable so you have to hover the correct object to collect the item