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Unmasking the conspiracy


Alexander Stones
Westwind Woods, Old Quarry overlooking platform.

Wander through the mines looking for weapons.


  • Collect Weapons
  • Collect Natural Oil
  • Talk to Alexander Stones

Tips & Audio Notes

Oi, I hope ye haven't gotten tangled up in those mines we just need the weapons outta there. I knew it! Yer part of the conspiracy, aren't ye? Prove yer not by findin' those bloody clues!


Coming soon

Comments (3)

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tenux avatar tenux

Check for sword around the mining

weegs_56581 avatar weegs_56581

if you find a weapon, and pick it up it will respawn after 1min

Darkour avatar Darkour

No need to collect Natural Oil, and for weapons, you just need to check around the pnj to find them