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The Prankster's Peace


Goldenfield, Violet Weed Field.

Search abandoned houses outside of town to the west for a clock. Combine it with the package and deliver to Lily.


  • Pack the box with the watch
  • Talk to Lily Baxter
  • Collect Clock

Tips & Audio Notes

Hey! Did you get the clock yet? That timer's ticking down, ya know! Come on, it's not gonna hurt anyone... just find the stupid clock at that abandoned house I found.


Coming soon

Comments (10)

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vlaiden05 avatar vlaiden05

Why is the conversation with Buck literally say GO WEST when the clock is all the way to the EAST? And then it's the player's fault he cannot find something cause he cannot read

pyrogamer avatar pyrogamer

Because the quest developers can't tell east from west. Just like how the other 80% of quest direction locations are South but not.

tlc5505 avatar tlc5505

house with 3 elite mobs, i cant even seem to click on the clock without it running out automatically, it might be bugged for me....

bloodyavenger avatar bloodyavenger

When u give clock from Abandoned House open your inventory and use box for package clock.

Go around the house from above and use clock on table(musketeer not agr)

excit5629 avatar excit5629

I confirm, it's on the left when you enter

Xho(RDPS) avatar Xho(RDPS)

are you sure? this house is filled with a huge pack of high level mobs, and the quest text is saying to go in a different direction then the voicelines tell so confused ^.^

Canaris avatar Canaris

Confirm. 4 level 15 elite mobs

Viene avatar Viene

Yeah I can also confirm this. Level 20 elites guarding it so I just kited them out and just to the left of the main entrance, on the table there's a wristband watch. In the dialogue it said "take the road east and then north at the first turn" but this is completely wrong as the house is south east.