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The Last Order


Morick Voss
Westwind Woods, Valley of sins infestation.

Search the Valley of Sins for jars and take them to Trevor Barlow back at the fort.


  • Collect Jar Green
  • Talk to Trevor
  • Collect Jar Blue
  • Collect Jar Red

Tips & Audio Notes

Don't get lost out there, unless you want to become the next sample. Those jars are our lifeline to understanding the corruption. And my lifeline to avoid getting caught. Bring 'em to Trevor, and your sentence is complete.


Coming soon

Comments (8)

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_second avatar _second

this is true

ChronicGamgi avatar ChronicGamgi

Thanks for this!

kautiontape avatar kautiontape

This is the correct location of the camps for the latest patch of of now. The jars are large containers.

Hinata#0001 avatar Hinata#0001


Commando#1237 avatar Commando#1237

They are at the imp camps where the pings are

kautiontape avatar kautiontape

These were changed in latest patches, and are no longer at this location.