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Rest in Peace

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Rest in Peace


Mortimer Gloomsworth
Goldenfield, near Cemetery

Lifeless bodies are scattered throughout Goldenfield randomly. Keep your eyes peeled.


Tips & Audio Notes

Rummage around for 10 remains from the lifeless bodies scattered in the forests circling Goldenfield. Those bones, they're the key to some proper burial rites, keeps the dead quiet and satisfied.


Coming soon

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MadDex avatar MadDex

You can collect Remains with small chance from the skeletons around the world.

chankywankydiddy avatar chankywankydiddy

What areas specifically have skelly boys?

francislouis23 avatar francislouis23

The best place to find them is in rat camps, down Goldenfield Town, just search for thorax skeletons.

RIpper avatar RIpper

These are bodies covered with a tan colored tarp or blanket. The blanket blends in with the road. They may be more common then you think you just cant see them!

ObelisKO avatar ObelisKO

Son los cuerpos muertos que estan tapados con una manta

titi88 avatar titi88

non abbiamo una posizione di alcuni scheletri?