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Repairing the reaper

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Repairing the reaper


Quadro-Sentinel 4.0
Goldenfield, Fields of Goldenfield.

Find gnats in the fields of Goldenfield.


  • Collect Gnat Skull

Tips & Audio Notes

Quadro-Sentinel 4.0 requires 5 gnat skulls as confirmation of extermination. Locate in fields of Goldenfield. Failure to complete mission will result in unauthorized status retention.


Coming soon

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Alfanz avatar Alfanz

You will find the tools on the field West of the Mysticism bench. You will have to look very carefully because the tools are blended in the ground wheat. All the tools are near each other (not more than 20 steps). Tip: The mouse cursor will change to a cogwheel.

TheOne avatar TheOne

Quest bug, u need a Ally lvl low to complete. The ally need to last hit the enemigs

MadDex avatar MadDex

1) Saw
2) Wrench
3) Hammer