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Portal perils

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Portal perils


Westwind Woods, Old Portal.

Kill timbers around the forest.


  • Return to Driscoll-99
  • Collect Artifact from Old Portal
  • Collect Wooden faces

Tips & Audio Notes

Don't forget, we need those Timbers DEAD to move forward! Get the amber off their corpses, and bring it back to me. You can also get it without killing, but that doesn't seem fun! It's a vital ritual for restarting the portal. Try not to get any Timber splinters in an open wound!


Coming soon

Comments (9)

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Shaman#5874 avatar Shaman#5874

A quest precisa que mate o cão lenhoso.

Berserker#7703 avatar Berserker#7703

Wooden Face can also be looted from dead bodies (not sure if outside of Tempest Timberland). Which might be nice for those with suboptimal builds like myself. Hounds are quite strong for a lvl 13.

ObelisKO avatar ObelisKO

You have to kill Hounds (I call them hellhounds) and they are not around here. You have to look for them somewhere else, very far away.

Commando#1763 avatar Commando#1763

how to complete this quest?

oldladies.king avatar oldladies.king

hi, where i can find Timbers??

.slater. avatar .slater.

Anyone have a pin for this?

Xho(RDPS) avatar Xho(RDPS)

What are "Timbers"?

ObelisKO avatar ObelisKO

la localizacion esta mal puesta. estos perros estan mas al Norte.