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Percival's Restorative Ointment

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Percival's Restorative Ointment


Percival "Percy" Beamish
Goldenfield, Alcemy crafting yard

Search for the flasks around the center of Goldenfield. The syringe has got to be around here close.


  • Collect yellow flask
  • Collect purple flask
  • Collect blue flask
  • Collect syringe

Tips & Audio Notes

Remember, I need those flasks. These ingredients are key. They ve got to be hanging around town somewhere!


Coming soon

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karany avatar karany

flask araund Alchemy
syringe in the tent in the upper right corner of alchemy

Zetton avatar Zetton


Defender#5627 avatar Defender#5627

all items are inside alchemy backyard

zvonimentam avatar zvonimentam

У ZARA ROSS на востоке от точки появления можно купить готовую восстанавливающую мазь. Там где ядовитое болото.