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Mischief Masker

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Mischief Masker


Goldenfield, Bank.

Head south to Guru David's and find the masks laying around. Keep your eyes peeled.


Tips & Audio Notes

Still need those masks from Guru David. Don t forget: Green, Orange Horns, and Pink Bird. Head to the Yoga House in Goldenfield if you ve forgotten where to start. Without those masks, I can't help you with the gear. Keep at it, friend.


Coming soon

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carto89 avatar carto89

You will find the masks at the yoga camp.

Engineer#9158 avatar Engineer#9158

• north of guru david on bench
• middle of camp, near the water pool
• west side of camp, near the wall post

Who avatar Who

Engineer#9158 is correct, but here's images of where they are and what they look like: