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Kill the maker

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Kill the maker


Windreach Woods, Camp near the shrine.

Venture to the Destroyed Bridge in the Windreach Woods, then search the crashed spaceship. Search trees around Goldenfield and finally stop at the Book Stop for Pappy's items.


  • Return to QUEST-O-TRON
  • Collect Barbell
  • Collect Pappy Rick's Portal Juice
  • Collect Binoculars
  • Collect Odd Plant
  • Collect T-Shirt

Tips & Audio Notes

Are you dense? Binoculars, barbell, plant in a pot, T-shirt. Find 'em! Binoculars at the Destroyed Bridge, barbell at the Crashed Spaceship, plant in a pot at Trees, and a T-shirt at the Book Stop. I can't tutorialize this any better, dummy. Go!


Coming soon

Comments (9)

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ChronicGamgi avatar ChronicGamgi

Thanks for marks@!

crowe671 avatar crowe671

this is wrong. Bro is trying to have lvl 13's go to the desert lol

atkaos avatar atkaos

Odd Plant Update?