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The Siren's Temptation


Windreach Woods, Mermaid Lake

Kill leaf monsters around the forest and collect Verdant Leaves.


  • Talk to Seaonna
  • Collect leaves from Leaf monsters
  • Make Tissue papers

Tips & Audio Notes

For Poseidon's sake, do it already! The ocean's not getting any deeper but my patience is running thin. If you don't get those Verdant Leaves soon, I'll lose Triton faster than a guppy in a shark tank!


Coming soon

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mommmyyyyy avatar mommmyyyyy

There is a bug with the quest "Hide Tide Temptation" from Seonna . If you have already the tissue paper in you bag, the quest instantly turns into validated but the "?" stay grey and you can't finish the quest.

Trade or deposit in bank the tissue papers solve the issue.