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Hidden Menace

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Hidden Menace


Trevor Barlow
Windreach Woods, Fort.

Track down the artifact held by a monstrous entity, kill the monster, and return the artifact to Themis.


  • Retrieve the Artifact from a Boss
  • Return to Themis
  • Artifact of the Ancients

Tips & Audio Notes

That artifact is no trinket-every second you hesitate, its power festers. Dark magic doesn't wait. Confront the beast and retrieve the artifact before it claims more lives.


Coming soon

Comments (7)

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Doowie avatar Doowie

For this, you just need to kill any of the world like boss. So the deer or the large hulking like dendroid that is walking around.

iuribpinho avatar iuribpinho

Is that the last Main Quest? If not what quest comes after?

Doowie avatar Doowie

Not sure if this is bugged or what really needs to be done. I've killed the deer boss 4 times and the dendroid guard 4 to 5 times, and I've not received any Artifact of the Ancients.

thaitanicdk avatar thaitanicdk

Worst quest text in the entire game up until now.

What exactly do you need to find and where?

thaitanicdk avatar thaitanicdk

You need to kill any world boss. Deer, Guard or raptor.

SRubioHH avatar SRubioHH

Que jefe exactamente hay que matar?

Sniper#3064 avatar Sniper#3064

Cualquiera de los jefes de mundo