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Greta's Grudging Gourd Gathering

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Greta's Grudging Gourd Gathering


Greta Grubb
Goldenfield, near Southern house

Search barrels, crates and chests for a mana vial.


Tips & Audio Notes

Don't forget that Mana Vial, got it? That robot helper of mine ain't gonna fuel itself! You can find them in chests, barrels, or crates. Or if you re feeling handy, you can craft one at the alchemy station!


Coming soon

Comments (2)

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themadtux avatar themadtux

Wow.. lvl 6 currently and have yet to find a mana vial.. I've opened tons of chests/barrels/boxes etc.. this drop rate is pretty low or it's bugged.

Alfanz avatar Alfanz

You will eventually get a mana vial from quest rewards, boxes, barrels and drops from chests.