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Funds of Faith


Windreach Woods, Wooden mushroom house.

Go south east across the road and search the abandoned houses in the forest. Her stash is in one of them.


  • Find Griselda's stash
  • Bring to Grizelda

Tips & Audio Notes

Well, goddamnit! Did you find that satchel yet or not? Don't you dare waste my time, sweetie.


Coming soon

Comments (9)

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kautiontape avatar kautiontape

This just worked for me. I started at westernmost, then southern, then northeastern. The first two, I looted everything available. The last container was the little pouch/knapsack looking bag. It did pop the completion of the task.

umarugyn avatar umarugyn

i tried all houses too and no luck. Cant progress, if anyoene did pls post help

braveras avatar braveras

You literally marked the same abandoned house as he did.

thaitanicdk avatar thaitanicdk

Must click 3 different stashes in one of the 4 abandoned houses on the east side of the railroads before you get the quest update.

slayerxdz avatar slayerxdz

Looted all 3 satchels but nothing happened, quest wont progress.

Edrinios avatar Edrinios

dans la cabane de l ouest sur le fauteuil petite bourse