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Fish Prophet's Decree


Ol' Fins
Windstone Vallage, Windstone Lake's.

Search the shores of the lake to the west for lures and rope.


  • Collect Shiny lure
  • Return to 'Ol Fins
  • Collect Bundle of rope
  • Make Strong Thread

Tips & Audio Notes

Don't forget the rope and luresss, the ansssient one drawsss near.


Coming soon

Comments (4)

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_shwayze avatar _shwayze

Appreciate you labeling the lure as (green algae).

I spent about and hour running around looking for something that ACTUALLY looked like a lure. There is few large fish with hooks in their mouths hanging up and failed to click on those as they're not clickable.

weegs_56581 avatar weegs_56581
