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Echoes of Paranoia

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Echoes of Paranoia


Alexander Stones
Westwind Woods, Old Quarry overlooking platform.

Save the hostages in the Westwind Quarry from the Ravager.


  • Talk to Varkus Drov
  • Free the hostages from Ravager

Tips & Audio Notes

Remember, Varkus is hiding something big, real big. Don't let him slip away! Find those hostages who know what Varkus did. Westwind Quarry, the Ravager probably has the key!


Coming soon

Comments (8)

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vieirasincero avatar vieirasincero

where are the cages?

sandrone92 avatar sandrone92

near the left

oldladies.king avatar oldladies.king

- For this quest you need kill savager until drop the key, you need loot 4 one for each cage.
- Its no necessary kill around the Alexander spot, i kill savager in safe zone, lvl 5 and drop it.

Pyromancer#5309 avatar Pyromancer#5309

Where are the cages?

Doowie avatar Doowie

The keys from the ravagers are not a 100% drop chance. So killing low level Ravager can help if you want to solo them.