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Bridging Realms with Friends

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Bridging Realms with Friends


Westwind Woods, Old Portal.

Find Pastor Fazool in Reverie Hollow to the southwest. Quest-O-Tron is southeast of the Hunter's Lodge and Grizelda is far east, just southwest of the Abandoned Railway Station.


  • Talk to QUEST-O-TRON
  • Return to Driscoll-99
  • Talk to Grizelda
  • Talk to Pastor Fazool

Tips & Audio Notes

Oh, just a friendly reminder! To unlock realms, first a visit to Pastor Fazool in Reverie Hollow. Delightful chap talks to ancient entities! Next on our jolly list is Grizelda in Windreach Woods. And don't forget the ever-charming QUEST-O-TRON in Windreach Woods. Remember, you'll need to 'earn' their trust. Whatever that means. Survival and happiness await!


Coming soon

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phispi avatar phispi

Just says to collect Ricks Portal Juice, where the fuck is it?

yang0203yi avatar yang0203yi

你解決了嗎 我遇到相同問題

yang0203yi avatar yang0203yi

Did you solve it? I encountered the same problem

ponciano avatar ponciano

you need to complete grizelda and quest-o-tron first