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Brave New World - Welcome to Kwalat

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Brave New World - Welcome to Kwalat


Zikk Clankwhistle
Dusktide Forest, at the Portal

Speak to the outworlder welcoming specialist. He should be in sight.
Follow the road north to Zikk's house.


  • Speak to the welcoming specialist
  • Find newcomer form
  • Meet with Zikk's brother in the village

Tips & Audio Notes

Please speak to the outworlder welcoming specialist. He should be nearby. Don't die, and have a nice day. Again? The forms are my house to the north, just follow the road. They re on the table outside. I'll give you more instructions once you're close. While you re at it, stop and see Maxwell while traveling north up the road. He'll teach you how to make a campfire, among other things. Go make an official inquiry to my brother. He s at the Bureau in the center of Goldenfield. Just follow the road north and ask around when you get there.


Coming soon

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Baron avatar Baron

- The welcoming specialist is Zikk Clankwhistle. He is located right at the spawn.
- You can find the newcomer form on the table in the first house you encounter when you walk along the path from the spawn.
- Zugg Clankwhistle can be found in the center of Goldenfield Town.

MadDex avatar MadDex
