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Beggars Can't Be Roasters

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Beggars Can't Be Roasters


Paddy O'Lantern
Goldenfield, Walfare Kitchen

Hunt birds around Goldenfield for an animal carcass.


Tips & Audio Notes

Remember, lad, we need an animal carcass, onion, -hic-, salt and er, mushroom... red mushroom! That'll cook up a damn fine meal. I don't give a shit what ole Marthy says!


Coming soon

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weegs_56581 avatar weegs_56581

got animal carcass by killing small animals (rabits, birds, etc) in sunweave glade

ebivetar#6000 avatar ebivetar#6000

you can buy a roasted carcass from jahri roots

Engineer#1012 avatar Engineer#1012

nope, the only items available is Wild Berry Bread, Poulty Leg and Cabbage and Carrot Salad.

spidertechnitian avatar spidertechnitian

Item shops rotate lol sometimes can be available, sometimes not