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Facing the flame

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Facing the flame


Zugg Clankwhistle
Goldenfield, near the Bureau

Find the old hag at the forest cabin north of the quarry in the Westwind Woods.
Get Imp leaders brains
Put the Imps brains to cloning tank


  • Collect brain Imp Firestarter
  • Collect brain Imp Witch
  • Collect brain Imp Executioner

Tips & Audio Notes

You'll find her out in them woods, northwest up the road from the spaceship wreck. Her gross house is deep in the Westwind Woods. Ask her what in the world smacked my shuttle, will ya? Wonderful! Bring the brains to my house. Then put them into the cloning tank. It's all AI controlled and very easy. Looks like their bigwigs ain't as dim as they seem. Alright, let's make a deal and have some fun off those leaders and bring me their brains, the fresher, the better.


Coming soon

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snabyq avatar snabyq

This quest is outdated and needs update.

Legionary#3304 avatar Legionary#3304

donde esta la vieja bruja?

titi88 avatar titi88

dove trovo la vecchietta?

SoulEater#8223 avatar SoulEater#8223

a sinistra dell'npc bomber

SoulEater#8223 avatar SoulEater#8223

a sinistra dell' npc BOMBUR. Quindi andando ad ovest per un minuto neanche direi vedrai la casa ed Hilda

Luizfer996 avatar Luizfer996

where are the 4 parts of the ship or Power generator ?

Butcher avatar Butcher

kill imp