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A Toast to Enlightenment


Goldenfield, Yoga garden rocks.

Head north to the Welfare Kitchen in Goldenfield.


Tips & Audio Notes

The Lucas Lager, remember? You re gonna have me rebel out here. Just go snag one at the Wellfare kitchen in town. Everyone there will be too drunk to notice. It s not like they ll start a war.


Coming soon

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Alfanz avatar Alfanz

The bottle of whiskey, like the blueberry pie, is near Ivie Clarkson (house east of Martha "Big Mamma" Potherson) in GoldenField town. The bottle is on top of the bar counter.
Tip: The mouse cursor will change to a cogwheel.

whiskywaffle avatar whiskywaffle

this is wrong, the quest requires Lucas Lager from welfare kitchen, its found behind Big Mamma's cooking station on the topmost shelf.

zutsuru avatar zutsuru

Here it is