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A Piece of Zen


Goldenfield, Yoga House.

Search the house south of Nia's shop. Then find an abandoned house southwest of Dr. Bloom in Goldenfield.


  • Find the mat in the house Nia
  • Find the mat in the empty house

Tips & Audio Notes

Any luck finding my gear? Remember, I'm counting on that treat to complete my journey to zen. Check the house south of Nia's shop for my mat, and the abandoned house southwest of Dr. Bloom. No questions, please.


Coming soon

Comments (4)

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zutsuru avatar zutsuru

thanks mate

Alfanz avatar Alfanz

You will find the blueberry pie (purple color) near Ivie Clarkson in GoldenField town. The pie basket is on the ground between two tables.
Tip: The mouse cursor will change to a cogwheel.

Edrinios avatar Edrinios

super merci