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A fateful bet

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A fateful bet


Dr. Glimmiwop
Goldenfield, Distant Farm.

Find Beeswax around Nia, then locate Petroleum by D'Rek.


  • Combine the ingredients
  • Talk to Durzo "Dicey" Dunwaddle
  • Collect Mineral oils
  • Collect Beeswax

Tips & Audio Notes

To set the wheels in motion for our legal endeavor, bring fresh skincare oils to Dicey in Windstone Village. Every wrinkle tells a story, but let's not make it a horror story, shall we?


Coming soon

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Baltarog avatar Baltarog

To combine the ingredient, you have a bottle in your inventory.

raddish666 avatar raddish666

Beeswax is in Bee Nest next to Herbalism station at Nia Sundance.

rdkvogel avatar rdkvogel

durzo is not at his indicated location rodrick is there but durzo is not in the game...

tpehep avatar tpehep

Mineral oils u can find near D'rek table

Shaman#9801 avatar Shaman#9801

In the South Farm => Green Bongs

vieirasincero avatar vieirasincero

can you ping?