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Prickly Grenade Launcher


The Prickly Grenade Launcher is an unconventional yet effective explosive weapon, featuring projectiles with protruding spikes for added impact. With a distinctive and menacing design, it provides both explosive force and the potential for secondary damage through the spiked projectiles. Ideal for those who seek a unique and intimidating approach to explosive warfare, the Prickly Grenade Launcher delivers a deadly combination of explosive power and piercing capability on the battlefield.


[20 - 40] Damage Per Second
[1 - 1.5] Attack Speed
[13.3 - 40] Weapon Damage
[5 - 10]% Armor Penetration
[10 - 10] Flat Armor Penetration


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Weapon Assault Launcher Uncommon icon
Ruby icon
Petrified Spike icon

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