Corepunk background

Beginner guide - level 1 to 5

25 February 2025 at 14:17

Difficult Beginnings

Corepunk is a demanding game that will require effort to achieve your goals. However, once you understand the basic mechanics and have acquired the essentials, your experience in Corepunk will become much easier. Take the time to talk to the NPCs that populate the world of Kwalat and discover what makes the world of Corepunk unique.

A New World

You have just arrived in the world of Kwalat. You will have a quest called "Brave New World". You will find yourself in front of an NPC in a robot named Zikk Clanwhistle. Talk to him and complete the first step of the quest. Talk to him again to receive the next part of the quest.


This map will allow you to track the position of zones and NPCs throughout this guide.

Tuto map

Head north, following the path in front of you, and you will meet a new NPC, Maxwell Sterling (1). Accept his quest "A Spark in the Dark", which involves collecting three pieces of wood from the pile you will find at his campsite.


Once the quest is completed with the NPC, open your inventory and check your rewards. Consume the recipe he gives you, which will allow you to craft a Campfire iconCampfire with the corresponding resources and place your campfires in your shortcuts; you will need them. Continue north until you reach a house (2). On the table in front of the entrance, there will be a document you need to pick up. The NPC will guide you verbally via a transmitter. You can enter the house and search the fridge; it’s random, but you have a chance to find an item necessary for a later quest. You can exit and search the trash can at the back of the house on the right.


A bit to the right of the house, there is a field with another NPC: Gretta Grubb. Accept her quest "Greta's Grudging Gourd Gathering"; she will ask you to find a Mana Vial iconMana Vial for her. We will buy it later from another NPC.

Greta Grubb

Head back to the left of the house and follow the path north. You will eventually come across another NPC: Zoltar Blipchain (3). Accept his quest "To the Moon, via the Fields", which involves collecting 10 rat tails from the surrounding fields. Explore the fields around you, and you will encounter the rats in question. Kill them until you obtain the 10 precious tails. This quest may seem difficult at first, but it's better to do it now. Take the time to regenerate using the campfires between battles; it will be much easier if you are in a group. Feel free to interact with the environment to gather resources for crafting or copper pipes, which will help us complete a quest later.


Once you have finished your quest, return to Zoltar and complete the quest. He will give you Wheat Seeds iconWheat Seeds, which will be useful for the next quests. Equip yourself with the artifact you chose and, if you want, the armor skin. You should have reached level 2 either during the rat quest or upon completing the quest.

Level up

At the crossroads, take the left path and stop at Griz Turner's shop. Accept his quest "The Scribe's Dilemma". Although it is not necessary for this guide, you will have it for later. Continue on your way until you finally reach the center of the first town in the game: Goldenfield. Head to the left, and you will find a campfire. Talk to Martha "Big Mama" Potterson (4), accept her quest, and interact with the workshop right next to it to craft 1 Wheat Flour iconWheat Flour using the resources you obtained from the previous quest. Complete the quest with Big Mama and learn the recipes she gives you. She will give you 5 Bread iconBread and 5 Sweet Baked Pumpkin iconSweet Baked Pumpkin. I also recommend taking the time to craft more bread and sweet baked pumpkins, as they will be very useful for regenerating. Then, talk to the NPC sitting on a mat in the same area (see image); this is Paddy O'Lantern. Accept his quest "Brews and Blues". If you were lucky enough to find a bottle of Elanian Whiskey, give it to him. If not, you can search the houses in the town to try to obtain one. Don't spend too much time on this quest; you will eventually find one.

Big mama

Head a bit to the left, and you should find a field with a robot roaming around; this is Blink 1-N. Accept his quest "Two Much Colors" and complete it right away by interacting with the plants in the field, then validate the quest. Continue heading left, above the field, and you will come across another NPC and the mining workshop. This is Thordal Ironvein (5). Accept his quest "Ironvein Wisdom". To the left of the workshop, you will see some chickens. Kill them and try to collect 10 Egg iconEgg. You can also go a bit further down to find some geese, which also drop eggs. Make several trips back and forth and wait for the chickens and geese to respawn until you have collected your 10 Egg iconEgg.


Once you have collected your 10 Egg iconEgg, to the left of the geese, there is another workshop with another NPC: Zogar. Once again, accept his quest, "Wisdom Within the Woods". Head back to the center of the town, and you should come across Zukk Clanwhistle (6), the brother of Zikk. Complete the quest and accept the new one: "Wreck Trek". We won't do it in this guide, but it will be useful later. Head north-east of the office, and you will arrive at the alchemy workshop with its NPC, Percival "Percy" Beamish. Accept his quest "Counterfeit Knowledge". Talk to him again and open his shop to buy a Mana Vial iconMana Vial and an Adrenaline Shot iconAdrenaline Shot. Also, learn the recipe he gives you.

Percival Beamish

Just above, you'll find another workshop with another NPC: Mortimer Gloomsworth. Accept his quest "Remember the Mystic" and learn the recipe he gives you.

Mortimer Gloomsworth

At the eastern end of the town, you'll find Kicheki (7), another NPC who will ask you to replace the pipes in his field through the quest "Fix the Flow". If you have found the 3 copper pipes, you can complete the quest; otherwise, you will find them during your exploration by breaking wooden crates or vases.

Fix the flow

From there, you're free to do things in whatever order you want, but for practical reasons, I'll guide you on a specific path. Feel free to take out groups of monsters you encounter along the way if you're in a group, or handle mobs solo if you're on your own. It'll earn you some experience each time and greatly aid you. Head east along the main road to leave town. There's a small path that descends with a workshop and a new NPC: Nia Sundance. Accept her quest "A Nutty Favor" and descend a bit further to find another workshop (8). Also, accept this NPC's quest and then return to the main road.

Nia Sundance

Continuing along the path to the east, you'll encounter another NPC, Elara Brightfall (9). Accept her quest: "Gnat a Problem". A bit further along the path, you'll find another NPC: Granny Hilde, in front of the chicken farm. Accept her quest as well. In the fields above, you'll find the gnats to kill for retrieving the tracking devices and the corn for Granny Hilde's quest. If you're in a group, focus on killing groups of gnats and collecting corn to complete both quests. If you're solo, try to attack the lone gnats as the groups will likely be too strong at this stage.

Once you've completed both quests, turn them in, and you should be around level 3 or 4 (in my case, we were in a group of four and were killing every monster we encountered). Note that you can make round trips to Big Mama's to rest at the campfires and farm some Wheat Seeds iconWheat Seeds to make Bread iconBread if you're struggling. Now, head north of Goldenfield into the Skylight Grassland area. In this area, you'll find all the resources necessary for all the quests from the workshops we visited earlier.

I recommend returning to town only once you have all the resources in your possession.

You'll need:

This part should keep you busy for a while!

Once you have all the resources, you'll need to go back and turn in all the quests. I recommend using your Returner, an item you received at the beginning, to return to the starting point and start by turning in Maxwell's quest (1). Then, it's up to you to turn in the quests in whatever order you prefer. You'll need to craft the items requested at the corresponding workshops. Note that the quest from the NPC next to the Mining workshop will reward you with 3 counterfeit painkillers, which you'll need to turn in the alchemist's quest. Don't forget to talk to each NPC again to turn in the second quest!!

When you've finished turning in all the quests, return to Big Mama's (2) and bind your hearthstone to this location so you can return here whenever you use your Returner. Now, you can head east.

Map goldenfields

The three blue points on the map represent three NPCs. At the middle point, you'll find a NPC where you can accept his quest. Give him the 3 magic weeds and 3 mana resins to complete his first quest, then give him the adrenaline shot we bought at the beginning. At the top point, you'll find Guru David (3). Accept his quest and give him the eggs we collected at the beginning. At the bottom point, you'll find a small camp with a quest, and also an NPC who sells the first universal spell. Choose carefully; it will cost you 20 gold coins.

That's it! This concludes the guide. By now, you should be around level 5 or 6. I believe you have the basics of Corepunk and should be able to handle things on your own. I hope you enjoyed this guide and, more importantly, found it helpful in your first few hours of gameplay!

Braskah, your favorite Destroyer from alpha 1 and 2.

Comments (8)

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turbotyp avatar turbotyp

i think you should include the corn field right about the mystic, u can easily farm 10 corn there, and then give them to the woman at the chicken farm to feed the chicken with. also, if you are still missing some eggs, you can buy eggs from her from 1.8g each.
i dont recommend it tho, because you should find enough eggs anyways


Very good, this is my current tutorial. "Find three friends who play as rangers and continue defeating skeletons until you reach level 15"

asutsi avatar asutsi

Where are those skeletons? and can you lv up by killing them?

asutsi avatar asutsi

where are those skeletons?

m3p0 avatar m3p0

"The three blue points on the map represent three NPCs. At the middle point, you'll find a NPC where you can accept his quest. Give him the 3 magic weeds and 3 mana resins to complete his first quest"
This quest changed with release i think. He know wants 4 raspberrys for his first quest. U need to accept the quest first, only then it is possible to farm these Raspberry by gathering random bushes.

Butcher avatar Butcher

Cuando una versión en español? Yo podría traducirla.

vivart_ua avatar vivart_ua

Great guide!
Much appreciate!

Ayaaa avatar Ayaaa

Awesome guide, thank you Braskah!