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Soldier Bow icon

Soldier Bow


The Soldier's Bow is a purpose-built, no-nonsense ranged weapon designed for efficiency on the battlefield. With a sturdy composite frame and a functional, straightforward design, it embodies the resilience and practicality demanded by soldiers in combat. This dependable bow is a trusted companion for warriors who prioritize reliability and precision in their ranged engagements.


[20 - 40] Damage Per Second
[0.7 - 1.2] Attack Speed
[16.7 - 57.1] Weapon Damage
[5 - 10]% Armor Penetration
[10 - 10] Flat Armor Penetration


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Strong Thread icon
Leather icon
Weapon Amazon Bow Uncommon icon
Giant Feather icon
Petrified Spike icon

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Engineer#9158 avatar Engineer#9158

Anyone knows if there is a quest that rewards a rare Soldier Bow?
I have found for other bows but not this one

gmales2 avatar gmales2

Haciendo Oso consigues los arcos amazonas azules y los armas Overclocked